The Spirit of Tonic Herbalism with Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Rehmannia is one of the major players in the world dedicated to bringing the timeless wisdom of the ancient Taoist tonic herbal tradition to the wider world. His integrity and commitment to honouring the essence of this incredible health tradition is palpable throughout the interview and gives an incredible insight into the true potential and intention behind adopting a prevention-based approach to health through the inclusion of tonic herbs. 

We dive pretty deep into how to develop a relationship with these herbs, as well sharing insights into what makes them so special, where they came from and the possibilities that they open within our capacity for physical health and immunological freedom. 

I think you'll particularly appreciate the simple yet deep way in which the information and insights are delivered, they go beyond just being another source telling you to include something in your diet because it's healthy, but offer the opportunity for you to get very clear and empowered around this conversation of tonic herbalism in a modern context. 


Rehmannia's Website

Gate Of Life Course:

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