
Cross-Pollinating Medicine with Jimi Wollumbin

Cross-Pollinating Medicine with Jimi Wollumbin

Set in the shadow of Mt Wollumbin (Mt Warning) in the Northern Rivers of NSW at Jimi’s healing sanctuary, this interview was a lot of fun and went deep into the philosophy of healing. Jimi loves the healing path, and after years of studying and walking various ancient lineages (spliced with modern insights) has maintained what I can only describe as an impressive professional sovereignty that sees him going deep into the paths of learning the art of healing while not losing his identity within them (something that is rampant in the healing world), giving him the ability to stay malleable, insightful and cross-pollinating that many traditions as he continues to ask the deep questions that revolve around the mystery of healing. 

The Centenarian Life with Amanda Archibald

The Centenarian Life with Amanda Archibald

Ever wonder why some cultures experience extreme cased of longevity and boast more people living beyond 100 than anywhere else? Then dive into this epic new episode with Amanda Archibald as we adventure through the "bleeding edge" of health and wellness. 

The Immortality Quest with Janni Lloyd

The Immortality Quest with Janni Lloyd

Exploring the exciting realms of life extension and immortality, Janni Lloyd joins me on this episode to bring a new and refreshing mind set to the human potential. The views and opinions on whether humans can extend their lives are vast, but we enter into a whole new paradigm shifting place when we begin to discuss openly whether humans have the capacity to extend this indefinitely. It is a fun topic and we delve deep in this interview

Curing Carrot-In-The-Ass Dis-ease with Tyler Tolman

Curing Carrot-In-The-Ass Dis-ease with Tyler Tolman

A funny, thought provoking and real conversation about health, not just coming from a philosophical standpoint, but an honest sharing of Tyler's personal and ongoing relationship with health, including what occurred in his body when he finally found his home. We go quite quickly into the 7 basic elements of health to bring about a simple guide for laying the foundations that allows us to simply enjoy life. Meanwhile, we discuss and laugh about the seriousness of the health scene and how to navigate it.

Biologically Beyond The Diet Fads with Graham Jevon

Biologically Beyond The Diet Fads with Graham Jevon

The wild ride through the turbulent world of nutrition, dietary paradigms, rules, rigidity and dogma can often because more taxing on the system than the symptoms that lead us to the healthy lifestyle in the first place. In this interview Graham Jevon, a naturopathic practitioner and leading nutrition, physiological and biological expert, shares intimately about his journey and insights along the path of healing the body and aligning his lifestyle and diet with the forces of organically emerging "Biological Nutrition." We challenge the rules of the game to bring some inspiring and practical pieces of information and wisdom to you that will empower you to align closer with the diet that your body is specifically looking to engage with. 

The Spirit of Tonic Herbalism with Rehmannia Dean Thomas

The Spirit of Tonic Herbalism with Rehmannia Dean Thomas

Rehmannia is one of the major players in the world dedicated to bringing the timeless wisdom of the ancient Taoist tonic herbal tradition to the wider world. His integrity and commitment to honouring the essence of this incredible health tradition is palpable throughout the interview and gives an incredible insight into the true potential and intention behind adopting a prevention-based approach to health through the inclusion of tonic herbs. 

Deep Body Perception and Movement with Benny Ferguson

Deep Body Perception and Movement with Benny Ferguson

To kick of The Mason Taylor Show I interview Benny Ferguson, a movement coach and evolutionary who for 11 years has delved DEEP into the realms of movement, mind-body unity and true physical potential. It is an absolutely fascinating and clarifying look at what the true essence of our movement practice is and how it can be embodied to build greater freedom, happiness, strength and unity within our physical (and beyond) body. 

Immunological Momentum with Ronnie Landis

Immunological Momentum with Ronnie Landis

An inspiring and extremely educational interview with health educator Ronnie Landis as we look into the worlds and lives of the viruses, fungus and nanobacteria that enter our bodies opportunistically and set up shop, make it their homes and lead to many degenerative diseases. We delve into how to effectively build you immunological momentum to ensure you stay fortified and empowered within your body, enabling you to ensure a future of health, vitality and happiness along your journey.