
Awesome Levels Of Health in 2016 with Mason

Awesome Levels Of Health in 2016 with Mason

In this one I ride solo jamming about my favourite things that I've learn from the guests so far on the podcast in 2015 and how to deepen these distinctions to make 2016 the healthiest and best year possible. I also share (for a but longer than I originally intended) how I use an Awesome List (kind of an upgraded bucket list) to ensure the momentum of my life stays focused on taking me in the direction that will be the greatest for my body, mind and spirit. It's seriously a profound tool that will enrich your life.

Dancing The Patterns Of Permaculture with Tania Leilani

Dancing The Patterns Of Permaculture with Tania Leilani

Tania Lailani has been rocking the permaculture path, a deep and special expression of gardening, for 25 years. She’s taught all over the world and is currently a custodian (and is living at) a 200 acre property in the Byron Bay Hinterland which is seriously one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been! It’s an amazing food forest and living system that has emerged and thrived from previously being a cow paddock 15 years ago based on her insights, wisdom and experience of working with the natural living systems of nature; with the Earth. This interview will inspire you like crazy to reconnect with the natural patterns of life and nature and generally live an incredible healthy, yet balanced life, no matter where you live.