
Balls Deep in Men's Health with Dr Espo

Balls Deep in Men's Health with Dr Espo

It’s Movember around the world and that means the focus is once again on men’s prostate health, so this week I dive deep with men’s health specialist Dr Ralph Esposito. While much of the mainstream is focused on treating men’s prostate and hormonal imbalances when its too late, Dr Espo and I explore how we can integrate practices and herbs into our lives so that optimal sexual health (and beyond) can be maintained. We explore the effect that pornography has on men’s health and erectile dysfunction and how we can overcome this with some simple processes. Physiological factors play a huge part in this dysfunction and they are heavily discussed. The physiological harm of stress on men’s health leads to some wonderful insights about why we need to be keeping stress down if we want erectile and hormonal function to be strong. Adaptogenic herbs are at it again in helping maintain optimal health and I loved the herbs Dr Espo is using, I’ll be upping their intake and I’m sure you’ll be doing the same. The depth of insights into how to get a hormonal flow that leads to sexual potency, a long life and potentiated health is inspiring and there are some great surprises for you in regards to how simply raising testosterone isn’t the answer to getting better sexual function. 

Adaptive Parenting with Tahnee McCrossin Part 1

Adaptive Parenting with Tahnee McCrossin Part 1

Tahnee and I are back at it again discussing our experience in becoming new parents. After the huge success of our last 2 part series, we have been inundated with requests for a follow-up, and so here we are with an 8&1/2 month old bubba sharing all we've learn and felt since last time. There are many gems in this chat around physical health, however, the bulk of the conversation lies in the juicy psychology of making the mental and emotional shift to being parents. This has been by far the greatest aspect of our journey as new parents and we're just grateful to have an opportunity to reflect upon it.  

Medicinal Cannabis Culture with Justin Sinclair

Medicinal Cannabis Culture with Justin Sinclair

Join me in a deep exploration of one of human kinds more wonderful companion plants; cannabis. As a herbal medicine this plant, its many strains and it’s phytochemistry are an obvious inclusion for medicine going forward in creating a holistic and integrated approach to healing the body. Shrouded with controversy and authoritarian suppression, cannabis has been dragged through an intense slander campaign for the past 100 years and has been denied to millions as a medicine we may incorporate into our lives and systems; but that is changing. Justin Sinclair is a patient advocate, herbalist and researcher who is on the front line here in Australia and internationally in bringing forth both the shift in cultural narrative around cannabis as well as the data and lore that blatantly tells us how deeply this plant can contribute to our wellness. We have the sovereign right to access medicine, especially when it offers no threat or harm. In this interview Justin and I explore this subject in depth. 

The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

One of the more epic episodes for you today gang. Recorded in an old world gin bar in Redfern, Sydney, Charlie Casben, a wonderful bartender and sommelier who owns Moya’s Juniper Lounge and drinks good booze well…

I worked for years with Charlie back in the day when I was tender bar and I knew that in that time I only scratched the surface of his knowledge around the wonderful world of herbalism, botanicals and alcohol. As I got more into the health game I became more and more bored with the flatland commentary that health “leaders" had about alcohol simply being bad and wanted to go deeper into the nature of this substance and continue to do the work to bring an integration between the world of health and booze; I got considerable closer in this interview. If you’re ready to take your health to another level then grab some good booze and strap in for a ride into the old world as we explore the journey herbs and botanicals have taken till we see the current culture emerge around bars and booze, and where we’re going to be able to take it so that a true progression is possible in the way we move forward as an integrated culture.  

Consciousness in the Kitchen with Simon Favorito

Consciousness in the Kitchen with Simon Favorito

Creating a potent, personalised culture of health around food and the kitchen is one of my main focuses on this health journey and that’s why I’ve invited Simon Favorito to join us on this episode. I’ve had the honour of sharing a house with Simon years ago and have had an up close look at how effective he is a bringing the romance back to way we interact with food, how to use food addictions as an access for transformation and ensuring that all senses are engaged in the cooking process so that we can get the best possible health and happiness from our food.

Dream Wild, Yogic Style with Mark Breadner

Dream Wild, Yogic Style with Mark Breadner

Mark Breadner is the longest serving teacher and yoga educator in Australia, having trained over 1000 Yoga teachers globally. He has a distinct capacity to facilitate rapid growth, developed over 45 years of Yoga practise, teaching and training. This interview delves into his discoveries about what the true essence of yoga is and how this applies to the modern world beyond the current state of modern yoga. 

A Romance Of The Land with Jake Cassar

A Romance Of The Land with Jake Cassar

I've titled this episode as a romance purely because it was the only word I could find to describe the relationship that Jake Cassar has with the land. Jake is an environmentalist, bushcraft teacher, singer and musician who teaches people the art of connecting to the land using indigenous skills and bushcraft. Emerging beyond the simple health advice of "spend more time in nature," we talk deeply about how to deepen that time spent on the land you walk, in nature, by learning the song, dance, tracks, sounds and slopes of your terrain. Beyond this, the skills needed for ensuring your capacity to thrive when going bush are discussed in some detail. We talk tracking, foraging, finding water & shelter, hunting are more in a way that shows how these skills aren't simply great for helping you survive, but are an access for entering a deeper, more profound relationship with the environment you walk upon, one that connects you deeply and opens a new realm of health to emerge no matter what kind of lifestyle you are currently living.

Dancing The Patterns Of Permaculture with Tania Leilani

Dancing The Patterns Of Permaculture with Tania Leilani

Tania Lailani has been rocking the permaculture path, a deep and special expression of gardening, for 25 years. She’s taught all over the world and is currently a custodian (and is living at) a 200 acre property in the Byron Bay Hinterland which is seriously one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been! It’s an amazing food forest and living system that has emerged and thrived from previously being a cow paddock 15 years ago based on her insights, wisdom and experience of working with the natural living systems of nature; with the Earth. This interview will inspire you like crazy to reconnect with the natural patterns of life and nature and generally live an incredible healthy, yet balanced life, no matter where you live.