
The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

One of the more epic episodes for you today gang. Recorded in an old world gin bar in Redfern, Sydney, Charlie Casben, a wonderful bartender and sommelier who owns Moya’s Juniper Lounge and drinks good booze well…

I worked for years with Charlie back in the day when I was tender bar and I knew that in that time I only scratched the surface of his knowledge around the wonderful world of herbalism, botanicals and alcohol. As I got more into the health game I became more and more bored with the flatland commentary that health “leaders" had about alcohol simply being bad and wanted to go deeper into the nature of this substance and continue to do the work to bring an integration between the world of health and booze; I got considerable closer in this interview. If you’re ready to take your health to another level then grab some good booze and strap in for a ride into the old world as we explore the journey herbs and botanicals have taken till we see the current culture emerge around bars and booze, and where we’re going to be able to take it so that a true progression is possible in the way we move forward as an integrated culture.