
The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

The Spirit Of Booze: Old World To New World with Charles Casben

One of the more epic episodes for you today gang. Recorded in an old world gin bar in Redfern, Sydney, Charlie Casben, a wonderful bartender and sommelier who owns Moya’s Juniper Lounge and drinks good booze well…

I worked for years with Charlie back in the day when I was tender bar and I knew that in that time I only scratched the surface of his knowledge around the wonderful world of herbalism, botanicals and alcohol. As I got more into the health game I became more and more bored with the flatland commentary that health “leaders" had about alcohol simply being bad and wanted to go deeper into the nature of this substance and continue to do the work to bring an integration between the world of health and booze; I got considerable closer in this interview. If you’re ready to take your health to another level then grab some good booze and strap in for a ride into the old world as we explore the journey herbs and botanicals have taken till we see the current culture emerge around bars and booze, and where we’re going to be able to take it so that a true progression is possible in the way we move forward as an integrated culture.  

Consciousness in the Kitchen with Simon Favorito

Consciousness in the Kitchen with Simon Favorito

Creating a potent, personalised culture of health around food and the kitchen is one of my main focuses on this health journey and that’s why I’ve invited Simon Favorito to join us on this episode. I’ve had the honour of sharing a house with Simon years ago and have had an up close look at how effective he is a bringing the romance back to way we interact with food, how to use food addictions as an access for transformation and ensuring that all senses are engaged in the cooking process so that we can get the best possible health and happiness from our food.

Deeper Into Physical Practice with Benny Fergusson

Deeper Into Physical Practice with Benny Fergusson

Had to have one of my favourite humans on the show for a second time. As I move deeper into my personal work with Benny Ferguson I wanted him to dive deeper into the unique and potent movement principles that he teaches. Through his teachings people all over the world move beyond movement fads and find a system that gives them access to releasing tension, increasing mobility, embodying strength and cultivating flexibility; all in a way that works uniquely with their body. With a focus on understanding gravity and how it flows through the body Benny and I go deep into the physiology and intention evolutions that come with developing a personal practice that leads to a body that is tension free and ready to engage with life in a dynamic and personalised fashion. Strap yourselves in and be ready to take your movement practice to another level as we chat and laugh our way through a beautiful discussion about movement and the human body.

The Sauna Life with Sebastian Mierau

The Sauna Life with Sebastian Mierau

Staying healthy in a toxic world can be one of the most difficult aspects of this health journey, and that’s why we need some heavy hitting practices on our side to get in deep and keep our organs and tissue healthy. I’ve been doing infrared saunas since I was 16 years old, not knowing at that point just how fortunate I was to have integrated into my life one of the most ancient, time-tested and effective methods of detoxification and rejuvenation into my life. 

Part 2 Pregnancy Prep and Our Childbearing Year with Tahnee McCrossin

Part 2 Pregnancy Prep and Our Childbearing Year with Tahnee McCrossin

The mammoth episode many of you have been waiting for. This is part 2 of our childbearing series, and the one where Tahnee and myself dive deep into the practices, philosophy, diet, herbalism and more that went in to creating the year in which Tahnee was childbearing little Aiya. This podcast was recorded during the first week of the bubba's life, so the sharing experience of the birth is fresh; something Tahnee was wishing to be able to infuse into this intimate sharing of how she chose to approach nourishing her body during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Prep and Our Childbearing Year with Tahnee McCrossin

Pregnancy Prep and Our Childbearing Year with Tahnee McCrossin

This is a special episode, part 1 of our Pregnancy Prep and our Childbearing Year. For months my beautiful partner Tahnee and I (especially her though) have been asked about our approach to pregnancy thus far. So on the 39 week mark of growing our baby we sat down together to share with you all the ins and outs of how we have prepared in this 2 part podcast. Tahnee especially dives deep in this episode into how she has cleansed her body over the years leading up to conception via deep organ detoxification.

Health in a Technologically Connected World with Jason Bawden-Smith

Health in a Technologically Connected World with Jason Bawden-Smith

Jason Bawden-Smith has been on a mission to get to the core of his own and society’s degenerating state of health for decades. After discovering his metabolic syndrome was largely caused by an addiction to technology and disconnection to nature he began to uncover the effects that our technological culture is having on our bodies and cells. His journey is described in detail in his new book In The Dark – New Ways To Avoid The Harmful Effects Of Living In A Technologically Connected World. We go deep into the contents of the book and his story in this incredible interview. 

Cross-Pollinating Medicine with Jimi Wollumbin

Cross-Pollinating Medicine with Jimi Wollumbin

Set in the shadow of Mt Wollumbin (Mt Warning) in the Northern Rivers of NSW at Jimi’s healing sanctuary, this interview was a lot of fun and went deep into the philosophy of healing. Jimi loves the healing path, and after years of studying and walking various ancient lineages (spliced with modern insights) has maintained what I can only describe as an impressive professional sovereignty that sees him going deep into the paths of learning the art of healing while not losing his identity within them (something that is rampant in the healing world), giving him the ability to stay malleable, insightful and cross-pollinating that many traditions as he continues to ask the deep questions that revolve around the mystery of healing. 

The Centenarian Life with Amanda Archibald

The Centenarian Life with Amanda Archibald

Ever wonder why some cultures experience extreme cased of longevity and boast more people living beyond 100 than anywhere else? Then dive into this epic new episode with Amanda Archibald as we adventure through the "bleeding edge" of health and wellness. 

Natural Birthing with Sheryl Sidery

Natural Birthing with Sheryl Sidery

Delving into the birthing realms this week with the wonderful Sheryl Sidery. Sheryl has been practicing midwifery since 1985. The experience of her first birth lead her into this beautiful line of work. She felt alone and unsupported. She felt that no one was aware of what an enormous life changing experience becoming a mother is, and so she became a midwife. She wanted to be truly “with woman” as she embarks on motherhood – feeling strong, confident, transformed and joyful. For her, that’s what midwifery is all about. Her primary philosophy is that pregnancy and birth is a period of great transformation, one that is necessary for parenting. She finds that having one-to-one midwifery care throughout pregnancy, birth and early parenting provides the best start to life with a newborn.